Inne Aerts - Researcher @ SOMT University of Physiotherapy

Inne Aerts


  • Sports Physiotherapy

Dr. Inne Aerts

Dr. Inne Aerts – Head of the Sports Physiotherapy Master program at SOMT University of Physiotherapy and volunteer at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, has finished her PhD research into injury prevention and jump-landing sports at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2015. After her PhD, Inne has mostly focused on supporting return-to-sports and return-to-performance research at the Sports Physiotherapy Master program. She is currently co-supervising Ms. Astrid Vereijken’s research in collaboration with Annatommie MC and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel into return to performance. She is furthermore interested in future qualitative research, which will be more closely defined.


Peer reviewed

  • Aerts I, Cumps E, Verhagen E, Wuyts B, Van de Gucht S, Meeusen R. The effect of a 3-month prevention program on the jump-landing technique in basketball: A randomized controlled trial. J Sprt Rehabil 2015;24:21-30.

  • Aerts I, Cumps E, Verhagen E, Mathieu N, Van Schuerbeeck S, Meeusen R. A 3 month jump landing training programme; a feasibility study using the RE-AIM framework. J Athl training 2013;48(3):296-305. Won the The Journal of Athletic Training Kenneth L. Knight Award for the Outstanding Research Manuscript 2013.

  • Aerts I, Cumps E, Verhagen E, Verschueren J, Meeusen R. A systematic review of different jump-landing parameters in relation to injuries. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2013; 53(5):509-19.

  • Aerts I, Cumps E, Verhagen E, Meeusen R. Efficacy of a 3 month training program on the jump-landing technique in jump-landing sports. Design of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2010;11:281.

  • De Geus B, Van Hoof E, Aerts I, Meeusen R. Cycling to work: influence on indexes of health in untrained men and women in Flanders. Coronary heart disease and quality of life, Scand J Med Sci Sports 2008;18:498–510.

Publicaties in tijdschriften en boeken

  • Vereijken A, Aerts I. Performance- en krachttesten in de praktijk. Vergelijken van aangedane met niet-aangedane zijde. Sportgericht 2018;4:32-35.

  • Aerts I, Cumps E, Verhagen E, Mathieu N, Van Schuerbeeck S, Meeusen R. Onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van een spronglanding trainingsprogramma van 3 maanden bij basketbalspelers. Vlaamse Trainersschool 2016.

  • Tonoli C, CUMPS E, Aerts I, Verhagen E, Meeusen R Incidentie, risicofactoren en preventie van loongerelateerde letsels bij lange afstandslopers: een systematische review. Vlaamse Trainersschool 2013.

  • Cumps E, Aerts I, Meeusen R, Strategieën ter preventie van enkeldistorsies en voorste kruisbandletsels. – Hoofdstuk in Jaarboek Fysiotherapie 2009

  • Aerts I. Preventie sportblessures in spronglandingssporten. Fysioprax 2015-2016;10:43.

  • Aerts I, Cumps E, Meeusen R. Topsport en wetenschap: Een gouden duo!, Sportspecifieke letseldetectie en –preventie programma, ACCO 2011.

  • Tonoli C, CUMPS E, Aerts I, Verhagen E, Meeusen R, Incidence, risk factors and prevention of running related injuries in long-distance running: a systematic review Injury, location and type. Sport & geneeskunde 2010;5:12-18.